All-On-Four Dental Implants

The All-On-Four dental implant system at Wicker Park Dental Studio provides a comprehensive solution for those needing full-arch teeth replacement, combining the permanence of implants with the convenience of fewer surgeries.

What Is the All-On-Four Treatment Concept?

All-On-Four involves placing four strategically positioned dental implants in the upper or lower jaw to support a full arch of replacement teeth. This technique offers a stable and permanent solution for extensive tooth loss.

What Are the Advantages of All-On-Four Compared to Traditional Implants?

Advantages include:

  • Fewer implants needed, reducing complexity and recovery time.
  • Elimination of the need for bone grafting in most cases.
  • Immediate loading of temporary teeth, often on the same day.
  • Enhanced stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures.

How Is the All-On-Four Procedure Performed?

The procedure involves:

  • Detailed Planning: Using advanced imaging to plan implant placement.
  • Surgical Placement: Inserting four implants into the jawbone.
  • Immediate Loading: Attaching a temporary denture on the same day.
  • Final Restoration: Fitting the permanent prosthetic teeth after healing.

What Is the Recovery and Aftercare for All-On-Four Implants?

Recovery involves a brief period of adjustment with dietary modifications. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits are crucial for the longevity of the implants.

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Transform Your Smile with All-On-Four

Book a consultation for All-On-Four dental implants at Wicker Park Dental Studio and enjoy the benefits of a complete, functional smile.